Hi Tracey

Just wanted to let you know that baby Betty arrived late on Sunday night, and we were both happy and well and sent home the next morning.

I’m still shocked by how fast and easy the labour was! I didn’t start having surges until an hour after my waters broke, at which point we were in the car and on our way to triage to confirm they had broken. At triage the midwife recommended we head back home for a bit, but that didn’t feel like a good idea. I asked her to check me out before I went and she was surprised to see I was already 7cm dilated and I was starting to feel like I needed to push. I still don’t know how things progressed so quickly but I felt so calm and I was able to really relax during the surges rather than fighting them like I did with my little boy. We were only in the birthing suite for 24 minutes, a good chunk of which was spent with me being told off by the midwife for letting Stewart go out to move the car, as she was worried he would miss the birth. Luckily he made it back in time!
I was able to concentrate on one surge at a time, I remembered that any pain was a pain with a purpose. I was comfortable throughout on just gas and air, and I delivered with no intervention in the lovely, peaceful birthing centre at Wythenshawe hospital. Your help was invaluable, thank you so much Tracey……

Betty is three weeks old today, and she is such a lovely, calm little girl – we think this must be because of how peacefully she was delivered. Thanks again for your help and the tools you gave us.

I’ve been recommending you to my all pregnant buddies and will continue to do so, so please feel free to share my email.

Hope you have a very lovely Christmas. X