Breast Feeding Home Visit

A visit in your home to perfect your latch, help with expressing, checking for issues that may affect feeding, reasurance and ongoing phone support after the session. I try my hardest to come within 24 hours from your call as I appreciate that time is important when establishing breast feeding. I have advanced breast feeding training and Ive been supporting breast feeding for 10 years aswell as feeding all four of my children. –£50

Night Nanny / Overnight Support

With 35 years experience of caring for babies this is a part of my job I absolutely love.

Sometimes when we are exhausted while having a young baby, things can get on top of us. Someone to have the baby for us for the night every now and again or on a regular basis can be just what your system needs to recharge.

Please meet with me in your pregnancy if you require set nights for a set period as I am extremely busy and this would need adding to my diary while you are pregnant.

As a qualified nanny (NNEB), experienced night nanny and Registered Sick Children’s nurse (RSCN) you can be reassured that your baby will be well cared for while you have a much deserved rest. – £20/hr

Daytime Support –

As above. Support so you can sleep, rest, go to the hairdressers etc. Also very helpful after a c section as you are recovering. £15/hr

Birth debrief session –

Sometimes our birth changes direction and we need to talk about it and understand and accept what happened. As a qualified birth doula and hypnotherapist we can debrief what happened and I can give techniques to use to feel better about it. £85