Hi Tracey,
Just wanted to let you know that Molly Jane Britton was born on Monday at 8:35am weighing 7 pounds exactly!
The birth was, well wonderful really! I kept hearing your voice in my head and was mostly able to stay calm and in the zone! Was 8cm when I went into hosp, don’t think they thought I was as far gone as Jon said it took ages for them to get to me and then a mega rush to get into birth centre. The pool was simply wonderful and so relaxing! My first midwife was a lady called Sandra who said she’d been at 2 of your births so I was even more relaxed as she clearly ‘got it’. I lost it a bit when she was birthing but 2nd midwife reminded me to use a low humming as I’d got rather tennis player according to Jon! And 4 big pushes and she was out…..she was a bit lazy and spent a lot of time (hours) going up and down! But waters went at 11pm night before and contractions started 35 mins later so all rather speedy really!
We honestly can’t thank you enough Tracey for helping us and giving me the confidence and skills to be able to cope and even enjoy it! I shall be recommending you to all my friends! Thanks again,
Becky and Jon xxx