11 hours a week
This is an all inclusive course and a complete package so you don’t need to do any other courses at all as it includes hypnobirthing, feeding and all baby care and post natal mind and body changes. This course is unique as it also includes my support as a very experienced doula and children’s nurse on phone and email during pregnancy and after you’ve had baby. Keri, a lactation consultant will also support you in this way too and you can add on a breastfeeding home visit with Keri who you already know to help and support.
The course also includes The Wise Hippo book, 10 MP3’s and 2 class manuals. A whats app group will be set up for your group and most groups meet up with their babies and become friends forever.
The antenatal birth and postnatal prep course is 15 hours in total but spread over different ways depending on whether it’s an evening or a weekend.
Full All Inclusive 50:50 Antenatal Courses £175 (A £75 non refundable deposit is required to secure your place)
HypnoBirthing lets you discover and experience the joy and magic of a positive birth – rather than the horrifIc ordeal everyone else seems hell-bent on telling you about no matter what choices you make or what kind of birth you have.
Most importantly, you’ll learn how to put yourself back in control of your pregnancy and birth.
The first 4 sessions are all about preparing for birth. As a very experienced birth doula the information you receive will be based on the latest national guidance and what actually happens during birth and how to prepare for all types of birth including if there needs to be any interventions, pain relief as well as avoiding these if you so wish to. You will receive the official Wisehippo book, 2 class manuals and 10 x mp3s are provided to support your practice at home. The Wise represents the knowledge that we share and the Hippo symbolises the protection of the Mum and baby.
It is a UK course, suited to everyone. Its not like some courses that are a bit too far fetched for you to be able to use the tools and techniques. Its positive, practical and fun. We want to empower all pregnant women, and their partners, to trust themselves and the choices they make, so that they can achieve the best birth possible and know that their baby had ‘the right birth on the day’. I add so much more to the course too, looking at blots of doula support techniques for the partner to support Mum.
Breathing techniques that actually help the birth.
How to massively reduce the need for medication but also what is available if you do want it so you choose the right o9ne.
How to be confident and informed when dealing with the medical staff – when to question, what to ask…and when it’s time to let them take charge.
Most importantly, you’ll know how to relax and stay calm and in control – regardless of what’s happening around you.
Induction and C section rates are virtually halfed
89 % didn’t require any pain relief other than gas and air
40% birthed in a birth centre or at home compared to national 10%
(taken from the latest Wisehippo stats May 2015)
Highly energized mums in good spirits following births that are calm and gentle.
It was never intended that you just read a book or do a course by yourself Some people do choose this way and use the techniques but a lot struggle.
The classes actually show you the techniques and we practice together.
We put all the techniques into real life scenarios and practice as though having discomfort.
You get to know how and when to practice.
You gain a positive mindset by being with the group and are able to ask questions personal to you.
You gain confidence and complete understanding and have support if you need it.
You meet friends for life and a support network.
My experience of being a doula/ birth partner and actually being there supporting couples during birth, as a protector, helping understand your choices and policies and procedures that can affect these.
My experience of being a nurse for 15 years, understanding hospitals and staff and how they work. My close liaison with the midwives and staff at Wythenshawe Hospital.
I have taught Hypnobirthing for 18 years using the Marie Mongan method and now The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme.
I have been the teacher of choice at Wythenshawe hospital for the last 7 years.I’m passionate about Hypnobirthing and supporting birth and have the experience of running and teaching Hypnobirthing for all this time. This means I am able to make the course work for you as individual couples. I add so much more to my courses than just the programme.
I am a big advocate for birth partners being just as important as Mums! Birth partners are often forgotten in antenatal classes so my classes give the birth partner a proper role where they feel important, helpful and enjoy their babies birth too.
Having had four births myself using relaxation and hypnosis. First hand experience on how different techniques work.
Being a qualified Hypnotherapist so I have extra experience on how hypnosis works and how to change techniques to suit different people.
I am also qualified in aromatherapy and acupressure for pregnancy and birth and am a breast feeding specialist so can add extra to the standard course.
I am the teacher trainer for The Wise Hippo in the North of the UK so I know and understand the programme inside out!
The groups are kept small, this gives more time to discuss and makes it more personal. They are however usually full therefore you make great relationships that can last a lifetime.
I have two wonderful relaxing rooms and I provide cake!
Email and phone support until you have you baby no matter when you do the course and an extra session if you feel you still need more help.
Private one to one courses are available too which includes the same as above
Unfortunately the free NHS classes offered in your area are no longer available.
You don’t need to do any other private classes unless you wish to as The all inclusive course is a full antenatal and postnatal course.
Pregnancy yoga classes work well with our course and you will find some recommendations on my links page.
Class one
- The Picture of Childbirth today
- The Birthing Programme materials
- Acknowledging Pain
- The Physiology of Birth and the Impact of Fear
- Mind / Body connection
- The Impact of Others
- Taking charge of your thoughts
- How the body works in labour
Class two
- What is Relaxation?
- Positions for Relaxation
- Amazing breathing techniques
- Relaxation techniques
- Anchoring
- Birth Partners Supporting role
- Establishing a practice routine
Class three
- Optimal baby position and spinning babies techniques
- Induction and natural induction
- Alternative options for promoting comfort
- Avoiding Medical intervention
- Discomfort techniques and touch
- Physical preparations for birth
Class four
- Birth planning
- Positions for birth
- Birthing your baby
- Birth partner’s role
- Using the techniques during labour
- When baby arrives
- Birth practice session
Class five
- It comes with a journal that we start working through at the session and with lots of honest information about what to expect in the first hour and the first week after your baby arrives on your chest! It’s not just about feeding, it’s not just about the baby, it’s about you, the transition into parenthood, your relationship, your body, your mind and how to navigate this exciting but sometimes daunting time.
- Baby care- everything form cord care, bathing, changing etc but very importantly things like how to help- with crying, sleeping and settling baby. It includes my support as a post natal doula should you want to ask any questions or help when baby arrives.
- The feeding session covers breastfeeding but also bottle or mixed feeding too and includes support from an experienced lactation specialist on the phone and email etc.