Huddle Nannies is a high quality professional holistic nanny agency which also specialises in part time, adhoc and eleventh hour needs of modern families. The agency provides more holistic support post natally to reduce post natal anxiety, depression and isolation.
Every nanny will be personally trained with a specially written course whether they are trained or experienced already. This training is based on my vast experience of clients needs through pregnancy, birth and the early years so all nannies are of the same quality.
This is a new part to my business but I have been working as a very busy night nanny, doula and maternity nurse for 21 years so I understand the needs of the client very well. I already have a team of people offering holistic support in my current business- The Bump and Baby Hideout who are ready to offer home visits through the agency to provide the all inclusive support I am really passionate about.
Website coming soon ********