Hideout package

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Antenatally we will spend time getting to know each other and grow comfortable in each others company. Every family is different and needs may vary from one to another we can be very adaptable to those needs and will always support in a way that works best for you.

As well as doing three visits we would be available throughout via phone or email from booking. If you need to see a consultant we will also accompany you and if you feel you would like more visits then that would also be included as its not about a strict package its about your needs and making sure you are positive and confident and feel well supported.  We are on-call for you 24hrs a day from 38 weeks and available to join you at your birth as early as you feel the need. We include the hire of a tens machine, aromatherapy oils and a birth pool if you birth at home.

During labour I will support you over the phone, offering suggestions on comfort measures until you reach a point where you feel you’d like me to join you. I then remain with you throughout the birth regardless of length until you are happily settled and feeding your baby.

Postnatally I visit again to check that you’re happily settled into your new role at home. To debrief your birth experience (perhaps filling you in on details you may have missed or forgotten). To listen to how you feel about both the birth and being a new mum. I can also support with feeding, bathing, dressing etc.

Includes the full hypnobirthing course at The Bump and Baby Hideout or we can do the courses privately in the three home visits instead.

Include a yoga or pilates course, an induction reflexology session and a lovely full body pregnancy massage at The Hideout



May 21, 2024
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Tracey Sutton


The Bump and Baby Hideout
196 Dane Rd,
Manchester, Sale M33 2LG
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